The Illinois supreme court, in the case of the state against the Illinois Central railroad in the endeavor to recover back taxes, holds that the charter agreement of 1851, under which the railroad was to pay the state five per cent of its gross earnings, is a contract, and that the five per cent is not a tax in the legal sense.
Christian Scientist needs quite frequently to remember that the English language has been too largely fashioned under the potter's wheel of erroneous philosophical and theological notions, else he may find himself using many words, terms, and phrases which represent erroneous ways and habits of thinking.
of Christian Science sometimes hamper their earnest efforts to rise above evil by condemning themselves, rather than condemning the various forms of evil which they have not yet outgrown.
the outset of my inquiry into Christian Science I was faced with the apparently unusual use of certain words, and found it impossible to assimilate the teaching which was to be conveyed.
long ago, while speaking with a fellow-teacher about the element of chance which entered into a game that the boys were playing on the school grounds, she remarked, "Well, life is a gamble.
Religious teachers frequently and perhaps unconsciously take advantage of the fact that the term "salvation" is susceptible of very broad interpretation, at least in a religious sense.
I am willing to agree with the gentleman that no cult is able to reach fully the needs of humanity; but Christian Science is not a cult in the sense in which he is using this term; it is a science, and preeminently Christian, as it is based on the teachings of Jesus the Christ.
Any attempt to explain Christian Science from the view-point of malicious animal magnetism is analogous to an effort to describe the nature and origin of light by peering into darkness.
Telepathy is defined in the Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia as "the direct communication of one mind with another otherwise than in ordinary and recognized ways; the supposed action of one mind on another at a distance without the use of words, looks, gestures, or other material signs; also, the resulting mental state or affection.
There are in the world today thousands of practitioners, and the healing work of Christian Science proceeds apace, yet the cases of failure are relatively few.
The Southern California Homeopathic Medical Society, at its meeting held in this city, heartily commended the campaign of the National League for Medical Freedom in opposition to the scheme to create a medical trust and arm it with federal powers.
Under the above caption the poems written by our Leader have been compiled in a handsome volume of 79 pages, now in press, and orders will be filled in sequence.
First Church of Christ, Scientist, has purchased a valuable property on Second avenue, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets, as a location for a fine church building which it is the society's intention to construct in the not distant future.
I wish to express my gratitude for the many blessings received through the study of the Christian Science literature, and the application of the truth therein taught.
Since I came to know of Christian Science, in August, 1904, the blessings which it has brought into the lives of those I love, as well as into my own life, both physically and spiritually, are such as I cannot longer fail to acknowledge.
Remembering how eagerly the Sentinel was searched for testimonies relative to the cure of so-called nerve and heart troubles, while my own healing in Christian Science was being effected, I write this, praying that some distressed one who may chance to read it, shall thereby gain new courage.
I am indeed thankful for the benefits I have received and am continually receiving through Christian Science,—thankful to God, who is Life, Truth, and Love, and thankful to the one who is the loved channel for this truth to us.
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