the book of Isaiah we read: "Thou hast broken the yoke of his burden, and the staff of his shoulder, the rod of his oppressor, as in the day of Midian.
the 35th chapter of Isaiah we read: "The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose.
The Protestant Episcopal clergy, and laymen as well, are coming to the view that the healing of the sick is such a palpable duty laid upon the church through the agency of its ministrations, that the church is neglectful in not making this a distinctive part of its practical ministry.
We believe that most fair-minded people, on reading the account of the coroner's inquest at Urmston as given in a recent Dispatch, will regret the language used by the coroner and jurymen.
According to a news report published elsewhere in these columns, a clergyman of Mount Vernon, one of the most eloquent and "learned divines in the Baptist church," spoke at the meeting of the Central Hudson Baptist Association last evening [Oct.
What Christian Science says of sin is exactly what it says of sickness, or of evil of any sort, namely, that though relatively speaking it is terribly real to the human consciousness, it is, none the less, speaking in an absolutely scientific sense, unreal, inasmuch as it is not God-created.
With due respect for the opinion of our critic, permit me to say that there is a fixed and impassable gulf between Christian Science and all forms of faith-cure and other agencies of the human or mortal mind.
The average reader of the daily newspaper, it is safe to assert, knows very little of the processes by which this wonderful production of the present century is made ready for the eyes of the public day after day and many times daily.
it was first announced in these columns that the scope and influence of the Christian Science periodicals were to be enlarged and broadened by the issuance of a daily newspaper, the question was frequently asked as to why this was necessary—were there not already newspapers enough in the world?
the point of view of present religious consciousness, some of the statements of our Lord as to what his disciples might be and accomplish seem far removed if not extravagant.
is defined as that mental quality which enables one to encounter dangers and difficulties without fear; otherwise, "valor, boldness, resolution.
Under the above caption the poems written by our Leader have been compiled in a handsome volume of 79 pages, now in press, and orders will be filled in sequence.
It is about two years since I became interested in Christian Science, and I do not think that any one ever received more help from it, or felt more secure in it as a foundation for a harmonious future, than I do.
I have often thought of God's wonderful love to His children, and now I want to tell some of the blessings that have come to me through the understanding gained by studying the Bible in connection with "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs.
Having received various physical healings in Christian Science, I desire to attest my thankfulness to God for having given to our beloved Leader, through inspiration, the knowledge and understanding of the healing power of infinite Mind.
For years I had suffered with asthma without getting relief through medical treatment, so when I was taken with an acute attack of illness and my wife suggested Christian Science, I went to see a practitioner, who took up treatment immediately.
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