I wish to say that I am exceedingly thankful for the...

I wish to say that I am exceedingly thankful for the good health that has come to me through Christian Science. I had suffered with headaches and various other ills for years. I had taken all kinds of medicine, worn glasses a short while, and had an operation on the nose, in the hope that I might be relieved of the terrible pain. Christian Science has entirely healed me of the headaches, and of other complaints which I have always felt that medicine could not help. It did me more good in a month than I had gotten in years from medicine. Although I am not a Christian Scientist, I cannot say enough for what Christian Science has done for me. I know it is all good, and that nothing but good can come from it.

Emma Wyche, Greenville, Miss.

Many years ago, a dear woman came to my home on some business errand, and during the transaction she discovered that I was being treated by a physician for a number of ills,—so-called organic diseases,—and she learned from my conversation that I was very much disheartened about myself, for after years of medicine and medical treatment I had been told by a specialist that I would never be a well woman until I submitted to an operation. This I objected to as being most repugnant to me, so I went on for another period of years, at the end of which I was to go either to a sanitarium or a hospital for further treatment.

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Testimony of Healing
In the summer of 1907 my husband went from our...
September 4, 1909

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