Today marks my thirteenth birthday of freedom from...

Today marks my thirteenth birthday of freedom from fear and disease of many years' standing. Thirteen years ago I walked for the first time into the house of a Christian Science practitioner, loaded down with disease beliefs, among which were stomach and rheumatic trouble, from which ailments I had suffered for thirty years. I also had a bladder trouble for ten years, etc. I had been treated by many doctors in various places, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, but had received no permanent help. As each year passed by I kept getting lower in the scale of health, until the last two doctors I consulted told me there was no help for me. One of them said that medicine would do me no good, and advised me not to take any more.

At this time, when I was looking for death to relieve me of all this suffering, a friend came into my store and spoke to me about Christian Science, telling me how his wife had been helped. I never had heard much about it, but I became interested, and as the doctors held out no hope to me, I resolved to try Christian Science. This friend told me the address of the practitioner by whom his wife had been treated, and about two o'clock that afternoon I walked into her house. I talked with the lady, and was given a Christian Science treatment. The result was that in less than an hour I left that house a well man! The healing was instantaneous, but I had been sickly so many years that I could not fully realize I was healed for about three days, when I began to see that there was no return of these troubles. I felt so light and happy and free; then I became conscious that I was a well man, and on the third day after visiting the practitioner it seemed as if I couuld not get home quickly enough to gather up all the pills, powders, plasters, etc., that lined my room and get them into the ash-barrel. In the thirteen years since the day of my healing I have had some trials and temptations, but they have only made me cling closer to the truth, as I understand it from reading our text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy. This precious volume is my daily companion, and I am striving to live closer and closer to the truth it teaches, as the understanding comes to me. Words are feeble to express the joy I feel each day for my knowledge of this great truth. Although beset many times by mortal error, I know with the psalmist that "the Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want," and in Him will I trust.—C. R. Dalton, San Francisco, Cal.

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July 3, 1909

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