Christian Science certainly seems to have aroused a great deal of interest in Blackpool, judging from the attendance at the lecture given in the Victoria Hall of the Winter Gardens on Friday evening [April 30]. The place was crowded to the doors. Many, no doubt, were there out of mere curiosity, but the applause which followed some of the utterances by the speaker, plainly showed that there were a good many there who were at least sympathetic toward the new belief. The Rev. B. R. Hawker, M.A., Liverpool—an ex-Church of England clergyman—took the chair, and he made ready the minds of the audience for further miracles by relating the story of his own cure. Some time ago, he said, he was told that he had but a short time to live; and after receiving that hopeless news, the little strength he had seemed to vanish altogether. Soon afterward he received a letter from a friend, who asked him—as no hope had been held out to him elsewhere—if he would consult a Christian Scientist, and at the same time he gave the name and address of a practitioner in London. Well, he did so; and what he was told then created in his mind, which was well prepared for it, a very great conviction. Within a fortnight he had gained a stone in weight; and since that time he had steadily regained his strength.—Gazette-News.

Clarence C. Eaton lectured in the Auditorium May 9, on the subject of Christian Science. He was introduced by Col. James H. Davidson, who said in part,—

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