It is certainly generous of our critic to champion the...

Rochdale (England) Observer

It is certainly generous of our critic to champion the medical profession, but quite unnecessary, as Christian Scientists are in no way unfriendly to the profession, recognizing as we do their constant devotion and self-denial in alleviating the sense of suffering in the human experience; and no word of censure or unkind criticism is used against them by any worthy Christian Scientist, even when the doctor's efforts have failed of success. It may have been that in the joy of restonation to health through Christian Science, when hope had been lost to them before, some overzealous one has unthinkingly used expressions seemingly void of gratitude for what their doctors had tried to do for them previously, but a riper understanding of Christian Science eliminates all sense of ingratitude and replaces it with a consciousness of love for one and all. "Crowing over others" finds no place in Christian Science teaching, and whilst trying to preach the gospel of healing as taught by the Master as a way better than that of materia medica, we possess no thought of antagonism to those who seek to heal by material means. There is no compulsion in Christian Science, and when one member of a family becomes a Christian Scientist there is no obligation upon the rest of the family to go with him, any more than there is when one joins another church for the rest of the family to join also. "One shall be taken and the other left."

The true interpretation of the Scriptures must be proven by the signs following "them that believe,"—or understand,—and Christian Science is giving its proof daily, not only by "healing the sick" but by reforming the sinner, that its precepts are based upon the truth. Each one must interpret and determine for himself how much of the Master's commands are incumbent upon him to follow and obey, but the command to "heal the sick" is as imperative, according to the Gospel records as to "preach the gospel." The Master's words are clear and incisive: "These signs shall follow them that believe," and if he had meant only the apostles and seventy disciples he would have said you, not them. Emphasizing these commands, he said, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, ... teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world."

The teaching of the Master was throughout spiritual, and no one instance did his healing depend upon material means. He gave no warrant for the assumption which has crept into orthodox teaching, that God needs to work through material means for the healing of the sick, as he does not need such means for the reforming of the sinner. Christ Jesus declared, "I am the way." Then why should Mrs. Eddy be maligned for trying to bring mankind to have in them that Mind "which was also in Christ Jesus," that they may walk in his way.

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February 29, 1908

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