Suits against the American Sugar Refining Company to recover several millions of dollars of which, it is charged, the Government has been defrauded in the last ten years, are to be begun by the United States Department' of Justice as soon as the computation of the total amount of the Government's claim is completed by Treasury officials now engaged in the work. According to the Government's claim this sum represents the difference between the duty paid by the Sugar Trust since the passage of the Dingley Tariff Act and the amount that should have been paid, but which was evaded by the use of fraudulent scales on the docks of the refineries.

A radical change in the Panama Canal, just adopted, consists in the relocation of the dams and locks which were planned to be placed at La Boca. They will now be placed at Miraflores, four miles further inland from the Pacific. By this change a saving in cost of ten million dollars will be effected, with great saving in time for completion; better sites, from a military standpoint, for the locks and dams will be gained, and a more satisfactory foundation can be attained. The change eliminates Sosa Lake. Instead there will be a channel five hundred feet wide, at sea level, from La Boca to the foot of the Miraflores locks.

It is now expected that the passenger rate controversy between the Southern Railway and the authorities of several Southern States will be compromised. The agreement provides that the general rate on all passenger business, interstate and intrastate, shall be two and a half cents per mile;' that two-thousand-mile books for the use of firms and a limited number of their emploves, and also for the use of families, shall be offered at two cents, and that fivehundred-mile books may be obtained by families for a rate of two and a fourth cents.

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January 11, 1908

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