In the "most magnificent public building in the United States," as the new Public Library now nearing completion in New York city is called, there will be sixty-there miles of book shelves.
the desk of a Christian Science practitioner in one of our large cities appears this precept : "Never judge or condemn any one; but watch also that you do not chide others for doing so.
no one thing perhaps has the interpretation of religious thought by Christian Science brought greater spiritual illumination, as well as corresponding beneficial results, than in its concept of man created in the image of God.
In view of misapprehensions which have recently appeared in the public press, it seems proper that we should devote some space to the consideration of the term "malicious animal magnetism" as used in Christian Science parlance.
As the papers seem full of references to Christian Science, both for and against, it may not be amiss for one to make a contribution whose work for twenty-five years has been along statistical lines in connection with life insurance.
Apropos of the much-discussed Christian Science failure, touching the case of the Kennel lad and the anticipated verdict of the county coroner, I would like to say the whole thing smacks largely of narrowness and persecution.
was a warm day, and the mother turkey had piloted her trailing brood such a long way in search of stray wheat-heads and the delectable grasshoppers that the younglings were piping plaintively enough when she finally martialed them in the back door-yard for the last roll-call before taps.
with contributions from John B. Willis, Mary Baker G. Eddy, Uriannie P. Grover, Frances S. Cook, Sue Mims, Florence H. Schellinger, Julia Hayes Glidden, Sarah V. Green, A Business Man
After thirteen years' study of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," I am moved to write what Christian Science has done for me and how it appears to me as a practical religion.
When reading the testimonies in the Sentinel, the thought has come to me that I have been withholding my mite from those whom it might help, as many which I have read have helped me.
I was healed through Christian Science in September, 1902, and feel it a pleasure as well as a duty to give this testimony to the benefit I have received, with the hope that it may help some one who is in despair.
In years gone by, while living almost entirely in the material senses, with only occasional glimpses of what God's child should be, I have often wished I could have a large inheritance coming to me from England, where my ancestors lived, and immediately I would plan many things,—always in the material,—all things craved by the physical senses.
the dead past its haunting vigil keepO'er earthly hopes long buried in the dust;Yesterday's ghostly shapes but make us weepFor moth and canker-worm and clinging rust.
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with contributions from John B. Willis, Mary Baker G. Eddy, Uriannie P. Grover, Frances S. Cook, Sue Mims, Florence H. Schellinger, Julia Hayes Glidden, Sarah V. Green, A Business Man