Five years ago I called upon a Christian Science practitioner...

Five years ago I called upon a Christian Science practitioner for treatment, seeking relief from kidney trouble, with which I had been suffering for some months. I had been under the care of a faithful physician, who had done all in his power to help me, but even after taking a great deal of medicine and living on a very strict diet I was only temporarily helped. I was told that I would never be perfectly well again; that the disease would be more or less in evidence at all times, and I was advised to be careful in order not to aggravate the condition. His instructions regarding my diet filled me with fear, and I often preferred to go hungry rather than be hampered by the fears that eating gave me. Having led an active life for years, I was miserably depressed at the thought of giving up my freedom. I had for some months endeavored to obey the physician's orders faithfully, and in turning to Christian Science for help I determined to render the same obedience to the requests of the practitioner. I was told at the time of my first treatment that all power is with God, good; that food had no power to harm God's child, consequently that I should eat whatever was set before me. I went home, and for the first time many weeks refrained from consulting my diet list, eating the food prepared for the rest of the family without suffering any ill effects whatever. Within a few weeks I was perfectly well, and have remained so ever since.

I am deeply grateful that I am privileged to be a witness to the fact that God's law can and does annul every so-called law of disease which is supposed to hold man in bondage. At that time I commenced to study our text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, and this study has awakened me day by day to a higher sense of righteousness and purity, and appreciation and love for the things of God that is of greatest value to me. I would not in any way undervalue the great blessing which the physical healing has been to me, but the spiritual regeneration that has come through the teachings of Science and Health, by which I have been enabled to lift my thought above the material to a comprehension, in a degree at least, of the things of Spirit; the ability to recognize my wrong thoughts and actions, and to correct them according to the high standard of Truth which through this study has been given us to understand,—for this "pearl of great price" I find myself unable to express gratitude in words. The many helpful articles given us through the Sentinel and Journal have often enabled to me to work more earnestly in solving the many problems that each day demand our attention, and I wish to express my gratitude and appreciation to those who through consecration to the Cause of Truth so ably assist in thus pointing out the way for all.

My thoughts turn to our revered Leader in heartfelt gratitude which words cannot express, not only for the numerous blessings, physical and spiritual, which through her teachings have come to me and mine, but more especially do I appreciate the purity, beauty, and consistency of her life, which has been and is daily the greatest inspiration to me, and I realize that this sense of gratitude is most fittingly expressed in daily work.

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Testimony of Healing
At the close of the week, while reflecting upon my...
December 14, 1907

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