Following the exposures of the Postal Department come the astounding details of the methods followed by the ring which secured in the Northwest a million dollars worth of valuable public lands through forgery, bribery, and fraud.
words express very much the sentiments of many thoughtful people looking for a fuller light and revelation as to what God is, and what is His relation to His creation.
with contributions from Willard S. Mattox, Albert E. Miller
We agree with the critic that the argument "that there is no such thing as feeling, tasting, or smelling, except in the imagination of persons, is all bosh.
with contributions from Rose D. Haskell, J. Van Inwagen, Jr., O. E. Naugh, R. E. Carey, Emerson
The Christian Science society has taken a lease of the Unitarian Church under the terms of which it will hold services there Sundays and Wednesday evenings.
to the extent that a religious faith is able to relieve the necessities of humanity, whether these necessities be moral, physical, or spiritual, is it of value to mankind.
With the lapse of time many of the objections which were raised against Christian Science in the earlier days of its history have, one by one, been withdrawn.
The last list of donors to the Macedonian relief fund included twelve Christian Science congregations, and their donations were very substantial in many cases.
In the year 1888 I was healed of severe spinal trouble and also a complication of other diseases, through the understanding of God as revealed in Christian Science.
When Christian Science found me I was filled with disease, an invalid of many years' standing, but very much worse just then on account of believeing that one who should love us had cheated us out of our property, and thus there were added to the physical ills a deep sense of hatred for that one who had caused me and mine to suffer.
About seven years ago I was healed through Christian Science of an ailment from which I had suffered all my life, and which had finally developed into one of the numerous forms of consumption.
The other evening when asked by a friend how much had been spent on physicians and material means during a long illness, previous to coming into Christian Science, I stopped for the first time to make a rough estimate, and also to consider the great difference in the amount given for help in Christian Science.
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