The results of the first season's trials in raising cotton in Porto Rico by the United States Agricultural Experiment Station leads to the conclusions, officially announced by Commissioner of the Interior Elliot, that the poorer, sandy soil of Porto Rico, when fertilized, will produce a remunerative crop of sea island cotton, and that the dry months of winter and early spring are adapted to the successful harvesting of this crop.
Edna Wadsworth Hudson
with contributions from Marcus Aurelius
There's a song—how well we know it!Softly sung in all our days,"God is Love—to Him all glory!"Angel thoughts and voices raise—"God is Love—to Him all glory,God is All—to Him sing praise!"
, when traveling in the darkness, a man should lose his sense of direction, or, as we say, be "turned round," and as the night wanes, should keep his back toward the dawning light, his eye steadily fixed on the western horizon, because, forsooth, he wishes and expects the sun to rise in that direction, he would be a fair representative of that state of human consciousness which often appeals to Christian Science and desires and expects the healing to follow in the order of its prescription.
saying of the old German poet that "The mills of God grind slowly," is often repeated, and this thought has no doubt helped some of us, now and then, to practise a kind of enforced patience which accepts a situation we have seemed too stupid or too ignorant to handle; nevertheless, it is competent to convey, and is constantly encouraging a subtle and pronounced error.
O singing birds, O singing birds, ye sing in field and skyThe simple songs of love and joy ye sang in days gone by;I hear you in the meadows now and up the mountain stream,And as I listen to your voice I dream an old-world dream.
As the days have lengthened from spring to summer, I spend many pleasant hours in my garden, and learn many a beautiful lesson therefrom; for are we not all gardeners setting in order this garden called the human mind, striving so to till and cultivate the soil that the fruits of Love may be made manifest?
Although I am a member of the Christian Science Church, an old friend, whose friendship I cultivated when I was a German school-teacher, has been trying to exercise power over me.
I always felt that I would like to express my gratitude for what Christian Science has done for me, and now I have also Der Christian Science Herold to be grateful for.
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