President Roosevelt returned to Washington June 5, after a trip that lasted sixty-six days, the longest ever taken by a President of the United States.
A MEETING of the normal students of the College who have graduated under the auspices of the Board of Education will be held in the Mother Church on Wednesday morning, July 1, 1903, at nine o'clock.
commenting upon the recent refusal in Pennsylvania to grant a charter for a Christian Science Church, The Universalist Leader has the following to say, "As an organized form of religion, with particular beliefs and its multitude of believers all over the country, it stands in the same relation to the general public as do other churches, and is equally with them entitled to protection and all the privileges granted to other bodies of believers.
law that like begets like, on which Christian Science bases its declaration that man, the offspring of Spirit, is wholly spiritual, is attended by another law of kindred deep import; namely, that only like can apprehend like.
If thou desirest true contrition of heart, enter into thy secret chamber, and shut out the tumults of the world, as it is written, "Commune with your own heart, and in your chamber, and be still.
At the opening morning service in the new building of Second Church of Christ, Scientist, 910 Edmond Street, every seat in the auditorium was filled, and in the evening there also was a large attendance.
"For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.
Per capita taxes, contributions to the Mother Church, or contributions to the Building Fund, should be sent by check, post-office money order, or express money order.
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