My oldest child, a girl of nine years, complained of a sore...

My oldest child, a girl of nine years, complained of a sore throat on awaking one morning; in the afternoon it seemed much worse. When I got home from work that night I found that she had a very high fever. I treated her in Christian Science, and she seemed to rest quite well all night. At noon the next day the scarlet rash was very much in evidence all over her body, the fever was very high, and the child became delirious. My wife and I tried to realize, as we are taught in Christian Science, that "God is All," that we must not fear or worry, that by so doing we distrust God; but we were not able to overcome our fear and we sent to one of our neighbors, a Christian Scientist, for help. When the neighbor arrived we realized that the sickness was contagious and that we should be obliged, under the health department regulations, to make a report.

We called in a physician to diagnose the case and make the required report, that we might "Render unto Cæsar the things that are Cæsar's."

The physician pronounced the case scarlet fever. Although we did not ask him for medica advice, he informed us, presumably from force of habit, that the child would be unable to leave the house for four or six weeks, that she would be obliged to remain in bed, keep warm, not get in a draught, and so on down the line of mortal-mind laws.

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Religious Items
September 18, 1902

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