the gray winds come and the birds go; while yet buckwheat bloom is sweet to the bees and the rising sun awakens nymphaea on the bosom of the misty pond; while yet the fields are fragrant with rowen clover, and the grouse and the wood-hen cluck to their late broods in the hazel thickets; while the lush greens of summer still possess the fields and crown the hills with sumptuous repose in the long day—in short, just now, let us give grateful praise to the uncommon loveliness of the season.
National Educational Association at its recent annual meeting "resolved" that it would be well if the Bible might be studied in the public schools as literature; the implication.
historic old missions of California, relics of a picturesque past and monuments of the earliest civilization on the Pacific coast, are to be preserved.
rule by which, in Christian Science, the words Principle, Mind, Spirit, Soul, Life, Truth, Love, are used, as names of God, and as synonymous with the name God, is clearly defined in our text-book, Science and Health.
our testimonial meetings and "Testimonies from the Field" we frequently hear and read of the power of a text from the Bible, an expression from Science and Health; of a verse or stanza of a hymn, an inscription, or even a picture, by which the liberated consciousness was flooded with light.
A flood
of sweet, grateful memories comes to me as I read the above quotation, and a feeling of deep and heartfelt gratitude to God that I have been awakened, and can see even a little of the beauty of holiness, and that my ears having heard the word have hearkened.
a western lecture tour, a prominent minister being asked by a press representative what the vital element of religion of the twentieth century would be, without a moment's hesitation answered, "Love.
we all did our best, my struggling brother,To be what God made us, for self and each other,What kindlier hearts and happier facesWould brighten the gloom of earth's desolate places!What healing of heartaches, of sorrow and sadness,What tides of good-will, what flowing of gladness,Would flood this old earth with the glory of heaven,If we all were but true to our nature God-given!
A recent Lesson-Sermon touching the subject gratitude, made me see more clearly that I ought to contribute to our Wednesday evening meetings and our Journal and Sentinel.
On the Fourth of July my little girl, then six years old, had all the symptoms of what I thought was a severe cold; but in a few days it proved to be whooping cough.
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