I am
grateful for the blessings that have come to me, to my family, and to many of my friends, through Christian Science; but my heart is never more full of gratitude to God and to her who has revealed to us this great Truth, than when I think of my schoolroom, and of all that it has done for me there.
with contributions from Bicknell Young, E. Benjamin Andrews, B. S. Josselyn, Holmes Hoge, Mary Stewart, Henry Werno
Second Church of Christ, Scientist, of Chicago, was filled to overflowing, December 31, 1901, with an audience unusually sympathetic and showing marked intelligence.
If President McKinley's portrait is put on one of the postage stamps of this country, as dispatches from Washington have said is likely to be done in case the Postoffice Department brings out a new issue, his portrait will be the ninth of a President to be used in that way, says the New York Sun.
Love's leading, weary one,Follow, though clouds obscure the sun,Follow Love's leading day by day,Follow closely all the way,Darkness just precedes the dawn,And Love is near you,Follow on.
with contributions from Carrie B. Booth, A. C. R. Morgan
We always enjoy reading accounts of the progress of the work in other parts of the Field and think others may be interested in the report of our work in New Haven.
Say to thy soul, "Be still, be still;"Then shalt thou hear,In accents clear,This anthem of Love,From the kingdom above:"Peace on the earth, good will, good will.
Not long ago I had occasion to visit a room which was lined with mirrors and brilliantly lighted with electric lamps so placed and shaded as to produce the effect of great brightness without an unpleasant glare.
Watching his opportunity, as the mad giant made a rush at him, Hercules caught him round the middle with both hands, lifted him high into the air, and held him aloft overhead.
I feel that I can no longer refrain from telling something of what Christian Science has done for me, and I desire also to express the vast benefit and happiness I have obtained from reading the Journal and the Sentinel; also I wish to return my cordial thanks to those kind friends here and elsewhere who have helped me on different occasions and spoken the word in season.
It is just three years since I became interested in Christian Science, and when I look back and see the wonderful change,—what I was then and what I am now,—my heart overflows with gratitude to Mrs.
I look with so much anticipation and delight for our Journal and Sentinel, and enjoy them to such a degree, that I feel I ought to add a word of testimony as to what Christian Science has done for me.
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