the Christians who believe in the Bible and take the Scriptures for their guide, but who do not believe that the power of Christian healing is for us to-day but that it belonged to the immediate disciples of Jesus only, we cannot but "agree to disagree," when such verses of the Bible as are found in sixteenth chapter of Mark, from the fifteenth verse to the end, are closely studied.
healing of the nationsIs not by power of sword,Nor by the earthly wisdomIn tomes of learning stored;But by the heart's deep hungeringTo lovingly expressIn deeds of life undyingThe truths of righteousness.
For several years I have been the recipient of many helpful thoughts expressed thoughts expressed through the Journal and Sentinel, by those who have been healed by Christian Science and are now working in the Master's vineyard, and I feel it is my duty, as well as privilege, to tell what the Truth has done for me.
A feeling of deep gratitude toward our beloved Mother, whose teachings have given me a truer realization of my better self, inspires me to add my testimony to the power of God or Good.
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