Now that the great Paris Exposition has at last been opened one is naturally curious to know how the financial end of such an immense exhibition is managed.
A member of the Bible Lesson Committee, speaking for the committee as a whole, hands us the following explanation in answer to certain queries that have been made with reference to the Bible Lessons:—
Those applicants for entrance to the June class of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College whose names were not placed on the list are not notified thereof.
I Send
the following experience in gratitude for what the Mother, through "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," has done for me and mine, and with the hope that it may help others to see what the honest, patient reading of this wonderful book will do, when prejudice and dogmatism are laid aside.
article in the Sentinel of May 17 entitled, "A Few Suggestions," recalls to my thought an experience of my own in writing for one of our publications.
Circumstances make it necessary again to request our co-workers throughout the Field to observe the following rules in sending in their orders to the Publishing House:—
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