Righteous Judgment

When friction occurs between two persons what is the first thought as to who is to blame for it? Are we amiss in saying that in ninety cases out of a hundred each thinks the blame rests wholly with the other? Are we amiss in saying that in almost the same ratio this is not only the first thought, but the last as well?

To the thinking person this is a startling fact. It is a fact that has cursed the ages. By reason of this fact nations have gone to war and brought upon themselves and inflicted upon each other the indescribable horrors, the dreadful slaughter, the awful carnage, the waste of treasure, and the long trains of sorrow, suffering, and woes that fill the volumes of the world's history; and the world's history is little more than a record of war and bloodshed.

Each nation thought it was right, and this, of course, placed the other in the attitude of being wrong.

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May 10, 1900

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