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Testimony of a Former Dentist
In a recent Wednesday evening meeting in the Mother Church the following testimony was given by a gentleman who for years had been a practising dentist:—
I suppose there is no class of people to whom the claim of intelligent matter is more potent than the practitioners of dentistry, for the reason that they are so constantly associated in their vocation with the belief of intelligent matter as sensitive tissue. And I can but marvel ofttimes that after practising dental surgery for a score of years I could have become a convert to Christian Science, that I could accept this great basic Truth, that "All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation." [Science and Health.] I thank God that I did accept it, and I have for the last nine years practised Christian Science, humbly trying to follow in the footsteps of our Mother and Leader, Mary Baker Eddy.
My associates in the Alumni Association of the Harvard Dental School are scattered all over the world and I have deemed it a duty and a privilege to send them Christian Science literature wherever I could reach them, because I knew how greatly it would help them in their practice if they had even a little understanding of Christian Science, and how much more good they could do in the world if they would but adopt it thoroughly.
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November 9, 1899 issue
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The Liberal Christian
Carol Norton
Clara Barton on Woman Suffrage
Clara Barton
The Lectures
with contributions from George Tomkins, Amanda J. Baird
Among the Churches
with contributions from Sarah Townsend Gee
A Loving Voice from the Branches
with contributions from Augusta E. Stetson, Edwin F. Hatfield, Suzanne Schooley Thomas, George W. De Lano, James E. Lees, Stewart C. Rowbotham, Isabel Colton Dam, Ethelinda Dietz, Adolph Rusch, Joseph B. Whitney, Mary Baker Eddy, E.K. Betts, Caroline W. Frame, Carol Norton, Elizabeth P. Skinner, Joshua F. Bailey, Charles P. Simmons, Ida M. Studley, Chas. C. Wilmot, John Carveth, Frances E. Utley, E. G. Studley, Lucy F. Barnett, Orcella A. Rathbone, Maria R. Allen, Jay D. Utley, Lizzie W. Ceperley, Belle S. Gere, Grace H. Wilmot, Myra Nichols, Frank P. Harden
Approached the Wrong Man
Vain Conversation
The Religion of Jesus
with contributions from John Hall, Beecher
A Tribute of Gratitude
Abiding Leadership
George Tomkins
Filled with the Holy Ghost
Sciatic Rheumatism
J. A. Millin
Consumption Healed
J. T Lincoln
Christian Science in Childbirth
Mary Coit Wheeler
Helped by the Journal
E. L. H.
Noted Oculists had Failed
Estelle Brown
Questions and Answers
Inquirer, W. R. S.
The Power of Truth
BY B. A. M.