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Consumption Healed
Last June I contracted a cold, which soon developed into consumption. I had suffered for a number of years with some throat affection. I also had nervous dyspepsia and heart trouble, and had been for some time in a nervous and run-down condition. When my lungs became affected. I soon became so weak that my doctor told me that medicine would do me little or no good, and advised my spending some time at Colorado Springs, Col., where I would be greatly benefited by the climate and mineral waters of that section, but after spending some weeks at the above-named place, I found that I was losing flesh and strength daily, and as materia medica had already abandoned my case, I began reading "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and afterwards took treatment of a Christian Scientist at that place, who came to me the first time, as I was unable to walk even one block.
The next day (Wednesday) I made an appointment to meet my healer at his house, but did not know how I could do it, as I had about two blocks to walk, besides riding nine blocks in street cars. I managed to crawl there some way, and that afternoon took a ten mile ride, ate a hearty supper, and slept well all night, and by the following Saturday felt that I could walk any place I wished, one of my first feats being a six mile stroll through the canyons.
Three weeks after my first treatment, I started home, a well man.—J. T Lincoln, Kansas City, Mo.
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November 9, 1899 issue
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The Liberal Christian
Carol Norton
Clara Barton on Woman Suffrage
Clara Barton
The Lectures
with contributions from George Tomkins, Amanda J. Baird
Among the Churches
with contributions from Sarah Townsend Gee
A Loving Voice from the Branches
with contributions from Augusta E. Stetson, Edwin F. Hatfield, Suzanne Schooley Thomas, George W. De Lano, James E. Lees, Stewart C. Rowbotham, Isabel Colton Dam, Ethelinda Dietz, Adolph Rusch, Joseph B. Whitney, Mary Baker Eddy, E.K. Betts, Caroline W. Frame, Carol Norton, Elizabeth P. Skinner, Joshua F. Bailey, Charles P. Simmons, Ida M. Studley, Chas. C. Wilmot, John Carveth, Frances E. Utley, E. G. Studley, Lucy F. Barnett, Orcella A. Rathbone, Maria R. Allen, Jay D. Utley, Lizzie W. Ceperley, Belle S. Gere, Grace H. Wilmot, Myra Nichols, Frank P. Harden
Approached the Wrong Man
Vain Conversation
The Religion of Jesus
with contributions from John Hall, Beecher
A Tribute of Gratitude
Abiding Leadership
George Tomkins
Filled with the Holy Ghost
Sciatic Rheumatism
J. A. Millin
Consumption Healed
J. T Lincoln
Christian Science in Childbirth
Mary Coit Wheeler
Helped by the Journal
E. L. H.
Noted Oculists had Failed
Estelle Brown
Questions and Answers
Inquirer, W. R. S.
The Power of Truth
BY B. A. M.