‘What does God’s voice sound like?’
Originally appeared online in the teen series: Q&A - May 1, 2018
Q: What does God’s voice sound like?
A: I had just left my house to see a friend about an hour away when it hit me: Did I unplug the curling iron? I thought, Of course you did. Then I thought, Are you sure? Then I felt like going back home to check. I thought, Don’t be ridiculous. Of course you did! Then I turned the car around anyway and went back home to find my curling iron unplugged.
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How much of all that racing mental dialogue was actually God speaking to me? None. How am I so sure? There are a couple of ways.
First, to know if you’re actually hearing God’s voice, you have to consider the nature of God. To me, there’s nothing less Godlike than chaotic, worried, back-and-forth thinking. Why?
Because the Bible says, “The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty” (Psalms 29:4). I like to think of this verse in light of a couple of Bible-based synonyms for God included in the study of Christian Science—Truth and Love.
The voice of Truth has to reflect the qualities of Truth, which is powerful, factual, and rock solid. Uncertainty, worry, or doubt—the complete opposites of Truth—could never be included in Truth’s communication. Also, messages that don’t empower us—“I don’t know if I’m good enough to do that”—would never come from God’s authoritative voice. Your ability to be all that you are—the spiritual representative of God—is a direct result of being the child of all-powerful Truth.
Because you’re God’s child, divine Love speaks to you like the best Mom. Her voice directs you calmly, tenderly, and persistently. She provides you with all that you need to make the right decision. She shows you your natural ability to be obedient, because She loves you and has only the best for you.
So if what you’re hearing is in line with the nature of Truth and Love, then it’s definitely God’s voice.
The other way I know that God is speaking to me is this: Even though the thoughts sound like my own thoughts, they’re so empowering that I know they come from God.
To know if you’re actually hearing God’s voice, you have to consider the nature of God.
When I was a senior in high school, I dated a guy who was very possessive. It was flattering at first. But as the relationship went on, it became clear that it wasn’t right. I didn’t feel like myself anymore, but I didn’t know how to get out of the relationship.
One Friday morning, I awoke with that familiar feeling of dread; we were supposed to go out that evening. Then, a distinct voice came to me as this thought: You can break up with him. Do it today. It sounded like my own voice, but the thought came with strength, immediacy, and the ability to obey it. Recognizing that it had to be God’s voice, I followed through and freed myself from the relationship that very day.
Even though it was tempting to feel sorry for my boyfriend because he thought I had something to do with his happiness, Love’s nature to bless all of Her children supported the message I had heard, and with Truth’s help, I stood strong. This led both of us to move on and develop more satisfying relationships.
To the degree that I have recognized that God’s voice must express His nature and power, I have felt loved and capable. His voice has led me in new directions, strengthened me for difficult decisions, and, like a nodding friend, encouraged me to stick with it until whatever needs to be done is done.
The best thing about God’s voice is that everyone can hear it. The voice of Truth and Love speaks universally and impartially. Is God’s voice clear enough for you to hear? Absolutely!