God’s blessings ever yours

What happens
to all the blessings
that God pours forth—
the good—that we
don’t catch in
our open hands,
hold in thought,
or just don’t notice?

Funny thing,
that good of God—
the infinite blessing—
is indestructible.
It’s still here,
still available,
still waiting to be noticed.

And even if
the time seems past,
long ago,
all felt dark—
so little light—
we can look again.
Spiritual sense—
lit by Christ
and ever bright—
dispels the dark
and we see
God’s good fulfilled.
It is always here.
Claim it!
It is ever yours.
Let it fill your heart anew.
Then be grateful that time
is no part of God’s blessings.

The good of then and there
stays fresh and full
to bless again
right now,
right here.

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