God’s guidance during my travels

Originally appeared online in the teen series Your Healings -  July 30, 2024.

I was spending the semester in London with a program for high schoolers. After a busy week, I decided to visit my aunt and uncle for the weekend. They lived two hours away by train. I’d been feeling stressed and wanted some familiarity. 

When I arrived at the train station, already running late from my long walk, the ticket machine, instead of printing out the single train ticket that I was expecting, printed out four. I asked a station attendant why that was, and he told me that two of them were for the outbound journey and two for the return—and that I needed to get on a train on the other side of the city that was leaving in half an hour! 

Worry and a sense of urgency building inside me, I rushed to the London Underground to try to get across the city. I’d never been away from home for so long before, and all I wanted was to see my family. Tears welled in my eyes as I noticed a giant crowd around the entrance to the Underground. I figured I wouldn’t make the train, which only made me want the comfort of my family more. I was also worried because my phone battery was low. 

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