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Starting the school year with healing
Originally appeared on spirituality.com
Sometimes I take note of how consistently I pause to see others as spiritually perfect—just like Jesus did. Maybe this is something we’re all striving to be better at, in our own way. For me, it wasn’t something I ever really thought about until a healing experience a number of years ago opened my eyes.
At the beginning of my senior year in college, I had a good lesson in “standing guard” at the door of my thoughts, and more importantly had a refresher of the Golden Rule from the Bible —treating others the way I wanted to be treated.
The summer before school started, my mom had moved from the home where I grew up to take a new job halfway across the country, and I found myself working in a new city. Things were going fairly well, when about halfway through the summer, I noticed a dry, red rash on my face. I didn’t think much of it, or really give it any attention. However, a few weeks later, I noticed that the affected patch of skin had grown larger, and the issue had become very conspicuous. I tried different moisturizers and lotions, but nothing seemed to get rid of it. In fact, coworkers and friends had started inquiring about the condition. While I wasn’t really praying consistently about the situation, I comforted myself with the knowledge that God only saw perfection and beauty. I held onto that spiritual fact, but also kind of gave in to apathy and thought, “if I don’t focus on it, it will go away soon.”
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