Thinking about God? You’re praying!

In the school where I used to teach, there was a poster on the wall that said, “Reading is thinking.” I agree. Looking at a bunch of words on a page, without actually thinking about their meaning, isn’t really reading. There’s no point in believing we’ve read something if we haven’t really thought about it!

We could also say that praying is a way of thinking. Praying can be thinking about God—that God, Spirit, is all good and that He made us spiritual and gives only good to everyone. Praying can be thinking about how much God loves us and how He keeps us safe and well. Anytime we are thinking these thoughts, we’re praying.

The Bible teaches us that God is Love. So if we’re thinking about Love and expressing it through kindness, we’re praying. 

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Testimony of Healing
Healing of ear pain
September 2, 2024

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