
TeenConnect, Sara Lang, “A week full of healing,” Sentinel, August 26, 2024

This author’s beautiful and healing expression of divine Love proves that man is truly the image and likeness of God. I’m most grateful for her clear understanding. Thank you to Sara.

Trudi Carter, Lawrenceville, Georgia, US

> Judi Bell, “Good is natural,” Sentinel, July 22, 2024

Thank you for the reminder that good is ever present—in every situation and everywhere in the world. We need to correct the thought that what we are seeing requires fixing by human means. The author reminds us that “good is the only reality” and that we are “forever under God’s perfect government.” What a powerful and timely article. 

John Cartwright, Geraldton, West Australia, Australia

> Lynn G. Jackson, “Be a watchful porter,” Sentinel, July 15, 2024

Heartfelt thanks for this inspired article. I found it helpful in praying about the upcoming elections in the United States. By standing porter at the door of thought, we can experience only thoughts compatible with the image and likeness of God, and no fear can be found in our thinking because God fills all space.

Bob Minnocci, Boston, Massachusetts, US

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September 2, 2024

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