Praying for the world dispels exhaustion

I had been experiencing fatigue because I had not slept well for several nights. One day I became overwhelmed by exhaustion.

Many spiritual truths that I had learned in Christian Science came to thought, and I tried to pray with these ideas. But as the day went on, I was not feeling any better. Then, around dinnertime, it occurred to me that I could pray for the world, especially those who are engaged in conflicts and other severe situations. I thought that I could send them love through my prayers.

Following that thought came another that said, “God is Love, and only God originates love and gives it. You can’t send them love, but you can see and know and feel God’s love for all by recognizing their true, spiritual identity as God’s children. God is already right here with everyone, and everyone can know and feel God’s presence and all-protecting love.”

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September 2, 2024

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