Urinary pain gone

One morning in October 2023, I felt some sensation, including pain, when passing urine. It was very uncomfortable, and I feared I had an infection. I went to my office as usual but after a while felt I was unable to handle the situation through prayer on my own. I called a Christian Science practitioner to pray for me. 

The practitioner talked to me about the word infection meaning impurity. She helped me see that it was impossible for me to include impurity because each of us as God’s child is the image and likeness of God, Spirit, so our purity is entirely spiritual and cannot increase or diminish. 

She also sent me an editorial from the Sentinel. One idea that came across to me was that to feel less stress from the various pressures of daily life and to feel more of God’s blessings, we need to anchor our thinking in God, the one Mind (see Larissa Snorek, “Too many demands?” May 22, 2023). I also prayed with this statement from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy: “Truth is an alterative in the entire system, and can make it ‘every whit whole’ ” (p. 371).

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August 19, 2024

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