I had a healing one night


I’d like to share a healing I had. 

One night when I was in bed, I was coughing and having trouble sleeping. 

I’ve learned from going to Christian Science Sunday School that God is good, so He couldn’t make anything bad, like coughing or illness. He makes only good. I know that He governs us, cares for us, and guards us. So anything that is bad can’t be real or part of us. 

If a bad thought or a hurt tries to bother you, you can say, “No, I’m not letting you in.” That just means we don’t have to listen to those bad thoughts that make us feel unwell. 

Soon I fell asleep because I felt better. 

In the morning, I was perfectly fine, and I wasn’t coughing. I’m so grateful that God made me and keeps me well.

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Testimony of Healing
Nausea and dizziness overcome
August 19, 2024

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