My thirst for Truth led me

Originally published in Portuguese

In 2011, while researching different religions in Brazil, I came upon Christian Science. At the time, my family and I belonged to another church, but my thirst for Truth impelled me more and more to seek God. I remember calling a branch Church of Christ, Scientist, and also some Christian Science practitioners, for answers to my questions. 

In the denomination we belonged to, my family and I had been taught that the kingdom of God would fully come only in the future, with the return of Jesus. Yet Christian Science showed the kingdom of God closer to us than we had initially been taught. In fact, it teaches that God is present here and now, and proves what we read in Revelation 21:4: “God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” But at the time, I didn’t understand this very well.

The week I contacted the Christian Science branch church for the first time, the pastor of the church we belonged to visited us at our home. According to him, there were some issues that we needed to resolve. The discussion upset me, so much so that we did not attend his church that week. Instead, I spent that Saturday reading several Christian Science articles. On Sunday morning, I woke up very early and suggested to my wife that we visit the Christian Science church.

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Prepared to heal
August 19, 2024

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