Nausea and dizziness overcome

My husband and I had been traveling. On the morning we were to drive home, I awoke nauseated and dizzy. I could not stand up or get my balance. I started to pray, declaring that my nature as God’s, Spirit’s, child is completely spiritual, whole, healthy, and undisturbed. The symptoms continued, but as I prayed, part of a sentence from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures came to me: “. . . ‘God is All-in-all,’ and the light of ever-present Love illumines the universe” (Mary Baker Eddy, p. 503). I held to that thought and repeated the words over and over.

The thought came to me that this statement has three parts: God is All-in-all; Love’s light is ever present; and this light illumines the universe. Almost immediately I realized that this means that no one is left out of Love’s light. Then I saw what really needed healing.

I had been troubled by a relationship with a relative. My husband and I were to attend a large family gathering in a few weeks, and I would have to interact with this person. When I realized that “the light of ever-present Love illumines the universe,” I saw clearly that this light reaches into every corner and touches every individual—including my relative and me. This instantly brought such a sense of Love’s all-inclusiveness. I felt both great relief and a wonderful love for that relative. I was full of joy!

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Testimony of Healing
Dog freed from paralysis
August 19, 2024

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