Eye irritation gone

I woke up early one morning and felt that something was wrong with one of my eyes. When I blinked, something sharp was scratching it, and I thought it might be a piece of birdseed from some cleaning up I had done the day before. I tried keeping my eye closed. I tried opening it. I tried flushing it with water. But nothing helped, and all I could think of were the many things I had to do that day, including driving about an hour to care for my toddler great-grandson. 

As I was thinking of all the reasons that I needed to be 100 percent able to do everything I had planned for that day, I thought about the word reason itself. I was trying to find a reason for the discomfort in my eye. I also thought about how I sometimes Google something to find out more about it. But, I thought, I have God, and God knows much more than Google! 

I recalled an important healing I’d had when a cut on my face was healed within a couple of hours. It was healed for the same reason that I could be healed now—namely, that my purpose for being is to express my Father-Mother God, who is Love, and that Love always heals—in fact, is always perfectly maintaining us and our perfection. I reasoned too that God is divine Mind, and that that is the biggest voice I could listen to. Listening to God’s voice was better than listening to the worries and suggestions of what would happen if I didn’t do what I needed to today.

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Who am I to withstand God?
August 5, 2024

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