Letters & Conversations

> Amanda Kamau, “Can I pray for my friends who aren’t Christian Scientists?Sentinel, July 8, 2024

What a great article about how to give an impersonal treatment for all mankind, see the results, and then share what happened.

Soren Spies, San Jose, California, US

> Barb Goodspeed Grant, “Sailing with God,” cssentinel.com, June 21, 2024

This poem increases in meaning the more I read it.

Liz Pyatt, Kingswood, South Australia, Australia

> Sue Brightman, “Let’s not leave him there,” Sentinel, June 17, 2024

Oh, my! This article lifted me up in so many ways! God’s goodness is so big, it’s hard to wrap our thoughts around it. We need to step back to see what unexpected gentle graces are right in front of us.

Yvonne Renoult, San Francisco, California, US

> Larissa Snorek, “The heart of humility,” Sentinel, June 10, 2024

What great examples and reminders of the power of unselfed love to heal and lift our thoughts and lives to the spiritual.

Kaye Patterson, Houston, Texas, US

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August 5, 2024

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