Sudden pain and fear gone

Autumn was over, and snow was predicted. My husband was at the barn changing out the lawn mower for the snowblower. A yard project we had worked on for many months had come to a stop because of the change in the weather, but many of the tools we had used were still in the woods and scattered around the area where we had worked.

I looked for any tools that might still be lying among the trees and in the high grass, gathering shovels, rakes, a sump pump, etc., into a pile; then I started carrying them to the garage. I had been working at these tasks for quite a long time when suddenly I felt a pain in my midsection. It quickly became so severe that I dropped to the ground. I feared that this might be a life-threatening condition. 

Then I heard a loud voice saying, “God is Life!” I looked around to see if someone was there, but my husband was actually acres away. I reasoned that it must have been a voice speaking within my own thought, and I quietly agreed: Yes, God is Life—the only Life there is!

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Bible Lens
July 22, 2024

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