My evening and my morning prayer

Dear Father-Mother, as I pray,
please let me see eternal light—
the light of Love and Soul supreme
that banishes the earthly dream
of mortal sense, of clouded sight, 
of misty day, of restless night,
of fleeting joy, of stress and pain,
of friendships found but lost again.

Your light both clarifies and shows
the radiance and reflected power
that bring relief to earthly woes
and then illumine every hour.
Your dawn reveals a perfect plan:
the brother/sisterhood of man,
the gentle word and thoughtful care
of Love discovered everywhere.

I thank You, Father-Mother God,
for leading and for guiding me.
In humble gratitude I pray
and welcome Your eternal day.

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TeenConnect: Your Healings
What’s my motive?
June 10, 2024

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