Letters & Conversations

Thank you for this simple yet extremely inspiring editorial, which challenges us to heal and not just observe—to repent, or change our thinking, so that healing becomes as natural as breathing. Suddenly my purpose “as an active portion of one stupendous whole” (Mary Baker Eddy, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, p. 165) becomes clear.

Robin Kadz, Laguna Hills, California, US

I would like to express much gratitude for this article. When I read it, I was struggling with a problem of supply related to my son. The article led me to focus on the woman’s obedience to Elisha’s instruction to “borrow thee vessels abroad of all thy neighbours” (II Kings 4:3). I wondered what the neighbors thought when the woman reached out to them. Clearly they were responsive and compassionate, since they did lend her what she asked for. My rereading of this crucial story enabled me to overcome fear and pride, and a solution to an urgent supply issue was immediately addressed, naturally and easily, with the support of neighbors.

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June 10, 2024

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