Healed of a brain tumor

This testimony is long overdue, and it is with a great deal of gratitude that I share it now. 

After my first daughter was born, I began having disturbing physical symptoms, one being that my menstrual cycle didn’t resume. There were some other unsettling symptoms, and I occasionally worked with a Christian Science practitioner, who gave me treatment through prayer. This continued for about two years, and then my husband at the time, who wasn’t a Christian Scientist, insisted I see a doctor.

I went to a general MD, who was concerned and ran some tests. The results prompted a consultation with a neurosurgeon and more tests—along with a diagnosis of a tumor in the brain. I was very afraid because I was told that the tumor was inoperable and therefore terminal. I was in my early twenties, and my daughter was two years old. The prospect of my not being around to raise her was unthinkable.

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Testimony of Healing
Safe in an undertow
June 10, 2024

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