Head injury healed

Originally published in Portuguese

I am very grateful to God for Christian Science and all the provisions available to those who study it. This includes Primary class instruction, which I was blessed to take because it brought me confidence and the assurance to rely on God in every moment of my life.

One day I was at home with my grandchildren, and one of them put in a pull-up bar that fit in the bedroom doorway. I didn’t notice that the bar was in place, and I closed the door. The bar came loose and fell on my head. At first it was painful, and I became nervous when I saw blood flowing. My grandchildren were also upset. 

What immediately calmed me down in that moment of agitation, though, were ideas that came to me from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, such as the following: “Under divine Providence there can be no accidents, since there is no room for imperfection in perfection” (p. 424). I understood that there are no accidents in the kingdom of God. All is under the control of the one Mind, God, because He is All-in-all. Soon after feeling the power of these truths, I realized that the bleeding had stopped and the pain had subsided significantly. 

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