Letters & Conversations

> William E. Moody, “Great peace,Sentinel, September 16, 2024

Such gratitude to the author for sharing this beautiful, inspiring, and comforting poem.

Phyllis Feldman, Laguna Hills, California, US

> Mark Swinney, “Can other people’s thoughts harm us?Sentinel, September 16, 2024

This article clarifies important concepts and distinctions in Christian Science and dispels superstition. I found it so helpful. “Yielding in prayer to God’s omnipotence exterminates lies.”

Cheryl Brown Lohse, Delray Beach, Florida, US

> David Taillefer, “Lump healed,Sentinel, September 9, 2024

I was so inspired by listening to this testimony that I immediately read it and felt the full benefit of God’s healing presence and power it so perfectly describes. 

Ginny Nilsen, Azusa, California, US

> Moriah Early-Manchester, “The ‘mind of Christ’ is yours!Sentinel, September 2, 2024

Thank you for this article. It helps us to be more alert to erroneous suggestions that come to thought.

Lorraine Mahon, Grovedale, Victoria, Australia

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October 21, 2024

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