How I prayed when I fell off my bike

One day, my mom let me ride my bike to my friend’s house because he lives just down the street. I played there for a few hours, and then I rode home. On the way home, my bike’s front wheel got stuck in a hole in the street, and I crashed. Ow! My elbow and knee both hurt. I got really scared because I was all alone and scraped up. 

What could I do? I remembered what I’d learned in Christian Science Sunday School about how God is always with me and caring for me. Because God is everywhere and loves me, I could never be alone or hurt. I thought about stories in the Bible about God protecting Noah in the ark when it rained for a really long time, and Jonah in the belly of a whale. I knew God was taking care of me, too. 

The next thing I knew, a car was coming down the street. As it got closer, I saw that it was my mom’s car! Mom picked me up and took me home, and then she went back and got my bike. 

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