My healing of an earache

One  morning during the summer my ear started hurting. I told my parents, and they said we could call a Christian Science practitioner to help with the healing. A practitioner is someone who, if you don’t feel well, prays for you and reminds you that God is always with you.

The practitioner reminded me that we can never be separate from God. She told me how a shepherd is always watching over every sheep in his flock. And if a sheep becomes separate from the flock, the shepherd will go find it, and put the sheep over his shoulders, and bring it safely back to the others. The practitioner said we can think of this as like the way God turns us back to His love. God tells us that we are loved and that we can never be separated from His love and care.

I thought for a very long time about what the practitioner said. It helped me. 

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