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Meniere’s disease healed
I was raised in Christian Science and experienced many healings growing up. Once I had a family of my own, my reliance on Christian Science continued, and we too witnessed many healings. However, there was a time when I faced a challenge that required me to rely on and grow in my understanding of God more than I ever had in the past. Though at times the situation seemed desperate, God’s healing power was felt and ultimately fully demonstrated.
One night I experienced an attack that involved extreme dizziness and vomiting. My loving husband, though not a church member, believes in God and has seen the healing power of prayer, and he was right there to comfort me. However, we were both in shock, and later that night, my husband took me to the hospital. We were told I had Meniere’s disease.
I was committed to working the situation out in Christian Science, and at different times received spiritual treatment from a Christian Science practitioner. There were long periods of peace and freedom, but the attacks continued. Sometimes an attack would stop while I was talking to a practitioner, and with no aftereffects. But as the years went by, the sudden attacks increased in number until they became an everyday event. I found myself in the emergency room several more times, and I started to feel that I just wanted to die.
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December 7, 2020 issue
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From the readers
Diane Schuster, Anne Hughes, Jill Crawford
Christ Jesus the mediator
Louis Benjamin
Handling “viral” hatred: Crucial to healing
Julia Miner
A journey of faith and healing after rape
Name Withheld
How I am praying about the pandemic
Virginia Hughes
Prayer that shines a healing light
Nancy Mullen
Is the word God a turnoff?
Deborah Huebsch
Testimonies of healing
Meniere’s disease healed
Celia Heathcote
Urinary problem healed
Camille Lukelo Nkeye
Effects of scalding accident quickly resolved
Maryann McKay
'The Lord reigneth, he is ... '
Nancy Robison
A willingness to be childlike and change
T. Michael Fish
God the Preserver of Man
December 7–13, 2020