Gratitude for lifelong help and healing

Rather than thinking of God as a big human being with outsized power, I have learned through the study of Christian Science to explore the immensity of God as divine Principle, Love, the totally good Father and Mother of all. This exploration has affected my life in many positive ways, including through physical healing.

I was blessed with two harmonious home births. My midwife was not a Christian Scientist, but she had been a midwife for many dozens of women who were Christian Scientists, and she had witnessed the healing power of this Science. She referred me to a hymn by Mary Alice Dayton that declares, “Love’s work and Love must fit” (Christian Science Hymnal, No. 51). This was a reminder that divine Love creates its offspring in its own image, so Love’s work must look like Love. Love would not create anything, any circumstance or experience, that could hurt its offspring—in this case, either mother or child, whom I came to see as Love’s offspring, not my own.

My midwife had seen this truth in action numerous times, so we both had confidence that harmony would prevail during the births. My Christian Science teacher was praying for me, and there was a Christian Science nurse at my side both times. Each birth was wrapped in this expectancy of good, and was harmonious. Details surrounding healings in the first birth were shared in the October 31, 1988, Sentinel.

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April 29, 2019

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