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Sports as one way to glorify God
I love sports, especially tennis and golf. I love both viewing sports and participating in them. And this love of sports, coupled with my love of God, has led me to think deeply about a passage from the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy: “Mind’s infinite ideas run and disport themselves” (p. 514). We all are these “infinite ideas” of Mind, God; in fact, we are God’s infinite spiritual reflection, and so we have the God-given capacity to “run and disport” ourselves. And one wonderful way we can do that is through sports, through which we can express so many beautiful spiritual qualities.
Some years ago, after failing to win a national golf championship in Northern Ireland, I decided that in preparing to compete again the following year I would not focus on trying to build muscles. Instead, I would build on and review all the elements that are necessary for such an accomplishment, including the spiritual elements. I asked myself, Why am I doing this; what is my motive? Am I looking for kudos or acclaim or to massage my ego? Or am I seeking to glorify God through expressing spiritual qualities that He is manifesting in each of us—qualities such as strength, control, skillfulness, dominion, and intelligence? I decided to seek the understanding and expression of this spiritual reality.
I asked myself, Why am I doing this; what is my motive?
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August 6, 2018 issue
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From the readers
Karen M. Tobias, Dotty Davis, Karen James
Why is there a Christian Science article in The Christian Science Monitor?
Liz Butterfield Wallingford
Love in action
Laura BonneCarrere
Love dissolves cultural barriers
Courtlyn Reekstin
Me—a turtle?
Laurie Toupin
Sports as one way to glorify God
Brian Kissock
‘Faith as a grain of mustard seed’
Rebecca Reeder
We found my dog!
Dancing with God
Pamela Cook
Food poisoning symptoms subdued
Lori Larsen
Sore throat quickly healed
Robert Witney
Forever child
Jennifer Ann Gordon
God is our All
Suzette Bogrand
The fulfillment of Jesus’ joy—a joy that never wanes
Barbara Vining
Kids share: Favorite hymns