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Hockey injury healed
This past winter I was asked by some friends I had played high-school hockey with to participate in an outdoor pond hockey tournament. I had played very little hockey since college, and while I did not really feel in good enough shape to play, it was impossible to say no to these guys. I had a few weeks to prepare, so I started working out a bit and joined a pickup hockey group. A few days into the preparation, I was playing in a pickup game and felt a sharp pain and tear in my hamstring muscle in the back of my thigh. At first I thought, “Good, this is my out,” as this is an injury that can take weeks and sometimes months to heal. It was difficult to walk and very difficult to get upstairs, so I stopped working out and skating because of the injury. But after more consideration, I realized this was an opportunity to turn to Christian Science for healing.
When I started to work in Christian Science, I began to make some progress. I prayed that since God is all good, there cannot be anything other than God’s allness and goodness, therefore any error or inharmony of any kind is a lie about God and His idea, man. Since God is whole and perfect, man, as His expression, is whole and perfect. So in praying, I realized more clearly that I wasn’t trying to change matter, but rather to understand that there is no matter to be changed in Spirit’s allness. I saw that error of any kind—sickness, sin, disease, injury—is only a suggestion that God and His idea are not all.
“Matter is neither a thing nor a person, but merely the objective supposition of Spirit’s opposite,” Mary Baker Eddy says in Science and Health (p. 287). Further, she says that “. . . Mind, God, is the source and condition of all existence” (p. 181). These statements helped me catch a clearer glimpse of the truth that I could never be outside of God’s allness. Reasoning along these lines, within a few days I was moving freely, and the problem I initially thought would keep me from playing was completely healed. I continued to prepare for the pond hockey tournament and had a great time playing in it.
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July 16, 2012 issue
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Steve Ryf, Annette Kreutziger-Herr, Anna Willis, Merywynne Ruggirello
We're not watching alone
Gillian Litchfield, Copy Editor
A sentinel by land or by sea
Rita Polatin
Basic training
Michael Day
Prayer during an airport crisis
Robert Butcher
The 'balm,' not the bomb
Michael Mooslin
Accosted, but able to forgive
Gigi Raine
Creature comforts
Kelly White
A little more faith defeats fear
Annette Bridges
Arches of hope
Sharing at a state university
Catherine Smith
The amplitude of God's love
Candace Gibson
Watching out for good
Shelly Richardson
Our right to be free
Kathleen Collins
Finding joy in serving church
Connie Byrd
What can fear do to you?
Keith Wommack
Healed from effects of a fall
Jody Glatt
Hockey injury healed
Seth Johnson
Instant truth
Bonnie Ulm with contributions from Sally Ann Prier
Gems on your crown
The Editors