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The protection of 'amazing' grace
Have you experienced the miracle of grace? The Christian philosopher Blaise Pascal wrote: “The two foundations; one inward, the other outward; grace, miracles; both supernatural.” The grace of God that changes our hearts seems as supernatural as what we term miracles in our experience. But how do we account for these things? If God is consistent in His actions and purposes, how do we account for grace and miracle?
Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, wrote in her book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures: “The miracle of grace is no miracle to Love” (p. 494). Later, she defined miracle as “that which is divinely natural, but must be learned humanly; a phenomenon of Science” (p. 591). Grace is easy to recognize, but difficult to define—here we might think of St. Augustine’s words: “What is grace? I know until you ask me; when you ask me, I do not know.”
To me grace means the work of God in our hearts—how God causes us to be spiritually alive, leads us to understand our own true selfhood in the likeness of the divine. Jesus’ contemplation of the Christ, Truth, established his unique identity and animated and empowered his healing. His victory over death is the supreme act of divine grace and promise of eternal life. The Christ is always reacquainting us with our radiant, spiritual selfhood; and this experience is grace! Grace and divine Science are inseparable.
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December 31, 2012 issue
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Betsie E. Tegtmeyer, Chantal Kingue Tanga
Leaving the old for the new
Dorothy Estes, Editor, Journal, Sentinel, Herald
The high goal: obliterating death
Abraham McLaughlin
Moment-to-moment progress
Diane Marrapodi
You can be made new—now!
Donald A. Wilson
Full bloom
Elizabeth Kellogg
Innocence rules in school
Fay Coulouris
The protection of 'amazing' grace
Christopher Cieply
Gold-winning spiritual purpose
Kim Shippey, Senior Staff Editor
Summer camp blessings
Sam Pellegrini
Stepping forward fearlessly
Andy Elliott
A cup of cold water
John London
Addressing tragedies and 'sudden endings'
Kim C. Korinek
Knowing the Lord brings blessings
Brian Hall
Class and a college kid
Jean Schoch Gioioso
The just and the unjust
Lord Bowen
Healed of smoking addiction
Richard Sevaly
Dancing and praising God
Gina Marie Murphy
Healing of otitis and urinary problem
Maria Amelia Gomes da Silva
Defending children
The Editors