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Lifting weights
Let’s start with some news. First of all, you may have noticed we’re publishing some pieces that don’t quite fill a page—not exactly an article, but an illustration, inspired idea, or a shorter experience. It’s an effort on the editors’ part to include more variety in the magazine. For instance, take a look at “Love waits to bless” by Kerry Alvarado (p. 19). Feel free to send in your shorter pieces, too.
In response to our request for humor, we’ve received a steady (and enthusiastic) stream of content from our readers. This idea was sparked by the June 28, 2010, Sentinel on “Humor and Healing,” after which many readers asked for more on the topic. The “jokes” run the gamut from the laugh-out-loud things children say, to church signs and desk announcements, and even some homespun humor. We’ll be printing selections of these submissions from time to time, including some church bulletin bloopers in this issue (p. 21). We realize humor is highly individual and not everyone will be on the same page with it, but we hope even one smile will brighten someone’s day—and perhaps even turn thought to healing solutions. This request reaches back to the early days of the Sentinel’s sister publication, The Christian Science Journal, when founder Mary Baker Eddy saw to it that “much humor” appeared in its pages and, eventually, a humor column became a regular feature in the magazine.
Often laughter lifts worries, fears, doubts. But living a life free of these burdens, as this week’s issue explores, may seem impossible to come by. Still, there are spiritual qualities right at hand to keep our burdens light. Lead writer Michelle Nanouche encourages lifting the weights off by exercising grace (p. 14). And John Kinguru emphasizes God’s great care for His family with a heartwarming example from Kenya (p. 16).
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February 7, 2011 issue
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Ursula Stone, Susan Moore, Brian Kissock, Dick Arlen, Margaret Zuber, Mary Allyene McKinley
Lifting weights
Ingrid Peschke, Managing Editor
The rewards of daily Bible reading
Greg Miller
Australian flood: not too late to pray
Beverly Goldsmith
Praise the abundance of God
Christa Kreutz
From skeptic to believer
Donald Snyder
Progress through Church
Jan True Jacoby
Time and energy–divinely inspired
By Bob Bilhorn
Keeping the feeders full
Elise Moore
Prayer on the starting block
By Jenna Mehlenbacher
The grace that lifts our burdens
By Michelle Nanouche
God ‘carries the load’
By John Kinguru
Smile with your soul
By Kim Shippey, Senior Writer
Love waits to bless
Kerry Alvarado
God’s love heals
By Thomas Mitchinson
Church bulletin bloopers
Carolina Casperson
Health care, we have a problem
By Russ Gerber
Mountain thoughts
Anne Daly
Prayer heals facial growth
Bryan Nichols
Hearing restored
Marlin Templeton
Leg pain healed
Jan Libengood
Defusing the pension time bomb
The Editors