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I used to edit a corporate newsletter. When the company chairman died, I had to write a piece about him and the contributions he'd made to the organization.
Unfortunately, my only contact with this man had been a few elevator rides during which we'd exchanged pleasantries and little else. So it seemed like an impossible job to write anything meaningful about him—let alone something that would capture the essence of the individual and his contributions.
I knew, however, that the words I needed to write wouldn't come from me. They'd come from God, from the intelligent Mind, which I expressed. I'd seen time and again that being open to the ideas that Mind is constantly giving out, brings the ideas needed. So once again I prayed to see that there was only one Mind and that this Mind was telling me what I needed to know. I felt confident that all I needed to do was to listen for ideas.
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May 7, 2001 issue
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Is it right?
The Editors
with contributions from Rita Smith, Bonny Pope, Anne Kimbell Relph
items of interest
with contributions from John Dart, David Briggs
Egil Krogh—integrity intact
with contributions from Egil "Bud" Krogh
Dave Hohle
You've got the power to think for yourself
By Beverly Goldsmith
When your back's against the wall
By Lucinda Baker Greiner
Stressed out?
By Gregory Mitchell
Diane Wexler Hayden
Effective prayer
Beverley Cooper
Dealing with injuries
Daniel Ferris
Faith in God's power
Mary Virginia Lucas
Give up clams?
Barbara L. Kelly
Taking a stand for Truth
Dana Munroe-Castle
Can I please know the details?
By Carolyn Collie
Just tell them you forgot your keys
Cyril Rakhmanoff