Divine inspiration brings freedom from flu

A couple of years ago I needed to demonstrate my freedom from a serious case of flu. Even though I had the help of a Christian Science practitioner, and I was praying and studying diligently, it was tough going. When I read the quotation from Science and Health ". . . nothing inharmonious can enter being, for Life is God" (p. 228), the following thoughts came to me as a sort of poem:

So small a word, such an imposition.

Will I let three little letters

Make me doubt my all-powerful God?

God creates nothing unlike Himself.

God knows naught unlike Himself.

Me, His dear child: spiritual,
whole, pure, uninvaded,
joyous, strong, reflecting
omni-active, all-harmonious Mind.

Whew, flu is only a word, only a false belief, not a power.

Each of us has the divine right to reject it, for ourselves and all.

Undismayed, untempted, undisturbed, uninterrupted, Happy, confident, blessed.

Because God is All, flu isn't.

The quotation emboldened me to really stand up for myself as God's perfect, unchanged, harmonious child, and it was the turning point, because I was less fearful. I am grateful that the complete healing came quickly after that.

Sandra J. Rygel
Santa Monica, California

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Testimony of Healing
Prayer heals head injury
February 14, 2000

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