One evening I was suffering with an earache

One evening I was suffering with an earache. As I was driving to a business meeting at church, I wished it was a Wednesday testimony meeting instead, where people would be sharing healings. Then I realized that the underlying purpose of the business meeting was healing—every activity of church supports the overall mission of salvation and healing.

Instead of just sitting through committee reports, I consciously cherished each fellow member as an individual expression of God. I appreciated the members' devotion to God and their faithful, individual contributions to church. This gratitude awakened my thought to the ever-presence and power of divine Love, and I left the meeting completely healed of the earache.

One day our young son accidentally stepped on a large, rusty upholstery tack. When I heard him scream, I instantly turned to God prayer. As I comforted the child and bandaged his foot, I affirmed that God is Spirit and man is His spiritual idea, not physical. I reasoned that since God is infinite, there is no matter to penetrate one of His spiritual ideas. I also declared that since man reflects divine Mind's perfect knowing, there is no fear or any material theory about injury to enter thought.

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Testimony of Healing
One afternoon two local businesswomen visited me
July 31, 1995

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